My dear friend the artist cocomicchi and the Cultural Association of Sen Marco are organizing a raffle to raise funds to finance the project Something More Than Colour. Therapy Room Hospital, which helps convert the hospitalization time of children admitted to the University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela to a less traumatic experience.
The winner of the raffle will get free customized blythe doll from cocomicchi.
Features and specifications of the award:
- A Custom Blythe (RBL mold from a Prima Dolly Simply Mango) complete and customized to suit the winner by cocomicchi.
- The customization work includes: full carved face (nose, mouth, eyes, philtrum and chin), new eyelashes and eyes (eyechips), new makeup, eyes mechanism correction and sleepy eyes, two new pullrings and optionally, incorporation of new hair (mohair).
- A dress or outfit will be provided by a different artist, still to be decided.
- The doll will be shipped by certified mail to the winner’s residence.
The name of the winner will be published in this blog and on the Association’s Facebook page.
Please view more information about how to enter the raffle and spanish version by visiting dollphoria
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